Procope Medicals

Procope Medicals


maladies cardiovasculaires inde

What about cardiovascular disease worldwide ?

Cardiovascular disease is one of the world’s leading causes of mortality. They encompass a range of disorders of the heart and blood vessels, including cerebrovascular disease. According to the World Health Organization, these diseases are responsible for 17.9 million deaths … Read More

dispositif médical exigences

Guarantee the conformity and safety of a medical device

Medical device compliance is essential to ensure that each product is safe and effective for its intended use. It encompasses various aspects, including regulatory, clinical and technical, ensuring that the device complies with current legal and normative requirements. European standards … Read More

femmes hommes

Significant differences between men and women in cardiovascular health

Heart disease is the leading cause of death in both men and women, but it can develop and manifest itself very differently according to gender. Let’s explore the origins of these differences, but also the evolution of stereotypes in the … Read More

The artificial heart : From the first ideas to the first implants

The artificial heart represents a major technological and medical achievement, having already saved many lives. The idea of replacing a failing heart with a medical device may sound like something straight out of a science fiction novel, but it is … Read More

habitudes alimentaires

Diet as a risk factor for cardiovascular disease

At a time when cardiovascular disease is one of the world’s leading causes of death, the link between diet and cardiovascular health has never been more important. Indeed, the choices individuals make in terms of diet play a decisive role … Read More

At the heart of an innovative start-up’s CSR approach

At a time when the world is undergoing profound change and the quest for meaning has become essential in today’s society, thinking in terms of the long term and positive impact is a fundamental necessity for any entrepreneurial adventure. With … Read More

prototypes coeur artificiel

Press release April 15th, 2024

PROCOPE Medicals, designer of a new-generation artificial heart, starts preclinical trials in 2024 Nantes, April 15, 2024 – PROCOPE Medicals, a medtech born of a multidisciplinary encounter between engineers and cardiac surgeons, is designing a total artificial heart offering an innovative … Read More

greffe de coeur patient

The heart transplant process from three complementary viewpoints

A heart transplant is an operation to replace a failing heart with a healthier donor heart. Heart transplantation is a treatment generally reserved for people whose condition has not improved sufficiently with medication or other surgical interventions. It is a … Read More

dispositif médical implantable

Implantable medical devices : how they work and their place in healthcare

Implantable medical devices are introduced into the human body through surgery or other medical interventions. Among the most common devices are artificial joints, breast implants, cochlear implants, intraocular lenses, pacemakers and other cardiac implants or prostheses. How do these implantable … Read More

cœur artificiel esperance de vie

Living with an artificial heart : the patient’s point of view

In recent years, technological advances in cardiology have opened up new treatment prospects for patients with serious heart problems. Nevertheless, these medical innovations do not solve all the challenges and complications that patients face on a daily basis. Today, Procope … Read More