Procope Medicals

Procope Medicals


dr stéphane manzo silberman

The future of heart health, as seen by doctors

The future of heart health represents a challenge for healthcare systems worldwide, and technological advances and new therapeutic approaches should offer ever more promising treatment prospects. What are these prospects? Let’s explore the different viewpoints of professionals on the future … Read More

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The artificial heart : From the first ideas to the first implants

The artificial heart represents a major technological and medical achievement, having already saved many lives. The idea of replacing a failing heart with a medical device may sound like something straight out of a science fiction novel, but it is … Read More

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greffe de coeur patient

The heart transplant process from three complementary viewpoints

A heart transplant is an operation to replace a failing heart with a healthier donor heart. Heart transplantation is a treatment generally reserved for people whose condition has not improved sufficiently with medication or other surgical interventions. It is a … Read More

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cœur artificiel esperance de vie

Living with an artificial heart : the patient’s point of view

In recent years, technological advances in cardiology have opened up new treatment prospects for patients with serious heart problems. Nevertheless, these medical innovations do not solve all the challenges and complications that patients face on a daily basis. Today, Procope … Read More

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coeur artificiel avatages procope medicals

Procope Medicals artificial heart : our outlook and challenges for 2024

Procope Medicals is moving resolutely into 2024 with new milestones and key challenges in the design and development of its total artificial heart. Here’s an overview of what we’ll be talking about: Research and development (R&D) We are starting 2024 … Read More

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transplantation cardiaque

The artificial heart to help heart failure

Heart failure is still responsible for 1 in 5 deaths. Once established, this cardiovascular disease is irreversible and worsens. “Life expectancy at 5 years is 50%” (according to Institut Pasteur Lille). It represents a major challenge for global healthcare systems. … Read More

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