Due to the limited availability of heart transplants, it is possible to use an artificial heart while waiting for a heart transplant.
After several decades of research & development into total artificial hearts (or TAH), only one solution exists, providing a transitional technological alternative while waiting for a heart transplant: there is as yet no destination therapy, enabling patients to live with a heart prosthesis over the long term.

Innovations in implantable and inductively rechargeable batteries, biocompatible materials and robotics offer promising opportunities for the development of the ideal TAH, and will help improve the quality of life of patients with severe heart failure.
PROCOPE Medicals has been studying these technological advances for many years and has drawn lessons from them for the design of its TAH .
Our mission is to develop a new generation of TAH that offers the greatest possible comfort to patients awaiting heart transplants.
So, what are the challenges involved in implementing this ideal TAH?