Procope Medicals

Procope Medicals


What are the challenges for Procope Medicals in 2025 ?

Procope Medicals, a fast-growing medtech

Procope Medicals is a French medtech company based in Nantes. Its mission is to offer an innovative and inclusive solution, enabling all patients suffering from acute heart failure to regain comfort and autonomy. The technology enables the device to be fully implantable, including its energy supply system. The entire team, engineers and doctors alike, is working to provide the best possible solution to the global problem of shortage.

What are the advantages of investing in Procope Medicals ?

A therapeutic solution that meets a real need worldwide

A company with a unique value proposition that sets it apart from the competition

A well-defined go-to-market strategy and plan

A clear understanding of the market and patient expectations

A high potential return and an opportunity for early entry into a project with strong growth potential

They trust us

Deck 2023 - Procope Medicals

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More information on severe heart failure ?

Take advantage of the 25% tax reduction available under the IR-PME scheme !

By taking advantage of this reduction, you can not only support innovation, but also make substantial savings on your tax return. Don’t hesitate, become a shareholder and contribute to the development of our cardiac prosthesis!